
Why You’re Not Healing

Dr. Kirsten Foullong
July 23, 2024
pediatric chiropractor adjusting child that is not healing

Why You’re Not Healing

As a parent, there's nothing more heart-wrenching than witnessing your child endure chronic health issues. You've explored every dietary adjustment, supplement, and therapy available, yet nothing seems to offer a permanent solution. Your child battles with inflammation, digestive problems, sensory overload, and mood swings, leaving you to piece together the puzzle on your own. It's exhausting, frustrating, and emotionally draining.

But what if we told you there's a critical component of your child's health that might have been overlooked? What if addressing this single aspect could be the key to unlocking your child's healing potential? Introducing nervous system regulation and vagus nerve function.

The Nervous System: Master Controller of the Body

The nervous system is the master controller of the body, coordinating every major system and keeping everything working in harmony. When the nervous system becomes dysregulated and out of balance, it can wreak havoc on your child's health, shutting down and altering gut function, gross motor coordination, immune system function, and inflammation. If your child struggles with sleep, digestion, sensory processing, and behavior issues, it's time to take a closer look at their nervous system.

Nervous system dysregulation refers to a malfunction or imbalance within the nervous system that affects its normal functioning and capacity to regulate responses to stimuli, control and coordinate various organ systems, and keep the body working well altogether. 

Common signs of nervous system dysregulation in kids include sleep disturbances, gut and stomach problems, frequent respiratory and immune challenges, gross and fine motor problems, sensory overload, and behavior problems such as tantrums and meltdowns.

While conventional pediatricians may blame genetics and natural health or integrative physicians may focus on gluten and dairy sensitivities or toxins, nervous system dysregulation and vagus nerve dysfunction are often overlooked root causes that can't be ignored. When every other form of traditional and integrative testing has failed to find the root cause of your child's challenges, it's almost guaranteed that nervous system dysregulation and subluxation are at play.

Identifying Nervous System Dysregulation and Vagus Nerve Dysfunction

So, how can you find out if your child has nervous system dysregulation and vagus nerve dysfunction? The first place to look is within the "basics" of neurophysiological function – sleeping, eating, digestion, staying healthy, regulating emotions, and sensory processing abilities. If your child struggles in any of these areas, it's a red flag that their nervous system may be out of balance.

The next step is to visit Pinnacle Chiropractic and have the Neurological INSiGHT Scans run. These scans provide a detailed look "inside" the nervous system, determining how well (or not well) it is functioning and regulated. With this information, we can then create a personalized plan to help your child's nervous system heal and function optimally.

The Power of Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care

Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care is a transformative approach to supporting your child's nervous system in functioning at its peak. By addressing subluxations and reestablishing proper communication between the brain and the body, chiropractic care enables your child's body to heal from within. While it may seem "too good to be true" that one treatment can offer such diverse benefits, this is simply the nature of the nervous system. When it operates optimally, the entire body flourishes.

As a parent, you are your child's strongest advocate. Educating yourself on the significance of nervous system regulation and vagus nerve function is a vital step in your child's healing journey. Don't lose hope; you are not alone in this endeavor. With the right support and guidance, your child can achieve the healing they deserve.

It's time to move beyond chasing symptoms and trying a new medication or supplement for every issue. Instead, let's address everything holistically by restoring your child's nervous system regulation and function. By focusing on the root cause of your child's health challenges, you can help them truly heal from the inside out and get back on track.

Please reach out to Pinnacle Chiropractic to schedule a consultation with one of our doctors. If you are not local to us, please explore the PX Docs directory to find a local PX Doc near you. Your love and dedication to your child's well-being will make all the difference. Keep learning, keep advocating, and keep believing in your child's ability to heal!

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Patient Stories: Discover Reviews by Satisfied Chiropractic Patients

Hear what our patients have to say about their experience at Pinnacle.

They have been there for my first pregnancy, my miscarriage, and thankfully another pregnancy.
Pinnacle has truly been such a blessing in mine and my daughter life. All their staff care so much about you as an individual and of course your health. They have been there for my first pregnancy, my miscarriage, and thankfully another pregnancy. They have such a wealth of knowledge to share and help you along your journey. Pinnacle cares for you like family and we are so grateful for that.
I’ve now become a patient of theirs too, and I hope to start my other two children there as well
My 10 month old has been delayed on her gross motor skills. At her 6 month checkup, her pediatrician recommended she get evaluated for PT. In her case, I felt like she needed more that just PT to get caught up. I’ve heard so many people speak highly of chiropractic care for kids, I thought we’d give it a try. I can’t remember how I came across Pinnacle (might have been on Instagram because they have a lot of helpful posts). But anyway, I called and setup the first couple appointments for intake and scans. The entire staff is super friendly. Dr. Matt listened very well to what was going on with my daughter and we came up with 3 goals for her to hopefully meet with 9 weeks of adjustments (2x/week). The afternoon after her 2nd adjustment, she literally reached 2 of her goals. I almost couldn’t believe it. I realize it could have just been a coincidence but it’s just too close to happening right after the adjustments for me to assume that. She’s had about 10 adjustments total now, and she is catching up on other gross motor skills. Because she is a baby, her adjustments are quite gentle. There’s no cracking or popping involved. I’ve now become a patient of theirs too, and I hope to start my other two children there as well!
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7984 Cooper Creek Blvd., Suite #104
University Park, FL 34201
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