
Unraveling the Anxiety Puzzle in Children: Insights from Your Pediatric Chiropractor in Lakewood Ranch, FL

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August 9, 2023

Is anxiety overshadowing your child's potential to live their best life? As parents, our deepest wish is for our children to flourish—healthy, happy, and brimming with confidence, especially through their formative years. Yet, we face an escalating crisis of anxiety within our homes and schools, a situation further intensified by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Recent CDC reports show about 10% of US children battle anxiety, though other sources suggest even higher figures, especially among teens. Alarmingly, anxiety now impacts children at increasingly younger ages. Once more common in teenagers, anxiety and severe sensory issues are now troubling even preschoolers, significantly disrupting their everyday lives.

For parents eager for drug-free solutions that address the root causes of anxiety, this message is for you. We at Pinnacle Chiropractic in Lakewood Ranch, FL, are dedicated to empowering you with the knowledge and resources necessary to confront your child's anxiety effectively.

The Science of Childhood Anxiety

Anxiety manifests as intense, persistent worry or fear about future events, disrupting daily activities when unmanaged. Symptoms may include nervousness, restlessness, accelerated heart rate, concentration difficulties, sleep disturbances, and gastrointestinal distress, often described as a "nervous stomach." Witnessing these signs in your child can be deeply distressing.

It's crucial to recognize that anxiety often accompanies other neurological conditions, such as sensory processing disorder, autism, and ADHD. This insight is vital for a holistic approach to managing your child's anxiety.

Exploring the Roots of Anxiety: A Neurological Perspective

Our clinical observations and contemporary research indicate that anxiety isn't merely a product of genetics or chemical imbalances. Rather, it stems from continuous exposure to environmental stressors and toxins, notably during pregnancy, childbirth, and early childhood—the "Perfect Storm" that embeds a cycle of stress and anxiety within your child's nervous system.

Often overlooked is the impact of birth interventions, such as C-sections, forceps, vacuum extraction, and inductions, which can initiate a fight-or-flight response early on, leading to long-term nervous system dysregulation.

Our Approach: Neurological Focus and Drug-Free Care

At Pinnacle Chiropractic, we prioritize a neurologically-centered approach. Utilizing advanced tools like INSiGHT scans and Heart Rate Variability (HRV) assessments, we gauge the sympathetic nervous system's activity and the vagus nerve's functionality—the cornerstone of the "rest and digest" system.

Our pediatric chiropractors focus on stimulating the vagus nerve to recalibrate and stabilize your child's nervous system, fostering a serene and balanced state.

Begin Your Journey to Anxiety Relief

Take the first step towards mastering your child's anxiety. Visit us at Pinnacle Chiropractic in Lakewood Ranch, FL, for a consultation. If you're outside the Bradenton/Sarasota area, check our directory for a qualified PX Doc near you. We're here to provide hope, answers, and drug-free support.

You are not alone in this journey. By sharing this knowledge, you help build a community of awareness and support, enabling our children to conquer anxiety and thrive.

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Patient Stories: Discover Reviews by Satisfied Chiropractic Patients

Hear what our patients have to say about their experience at Pinnacle.

They are a great group of people and treat the children with respect
My grandson has been being seen here for several months and we notice a marked improvement in his sleeping and ability to concentrate. The staff there is professional and manages the many kids coming in and out with ease and appointments are as scheduled and rescheduling is not a problem. They are a great group of people and treat the children with respect and always have something fun going on for them to look forward to.
They have been there for my first pregnancy, my miscarriage, and thankfully another pregnancy.
Pinnacle has truly been such a blessing in mine and my daughter life. All their staff care so much about you as an individual and of course your health. They have been there for my first pregnancy, my miscarriage, and thankfully another pregnancy. They have such a wealth of knowledge to share and help you along your journey. Pinnacle cares for you like family and we are so grateful for that.
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Pinnacle Chiropractic
7984 Cooper Creek Blvd., Suite #104
University Park, FL 34201
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